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發表於 2022-9-27 15:44:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Getting hit up for a loan can make you feel like you’re stepping into a minefield. In today’s economy, it’s easy to understand how someone can f兒童早教玩具,ind themselves in a dark place financially. On the one hand, you want to help out a loved one who’s in need.

On the other hand, you’ve heard the stories about loans gone wrong, with friendships ruined and families torn apart. Also, you may be depleting funds that you might need yourself, says Irene S. Levine, Ph.D., psychologist, author and producer of TheFriendshipBlog.com. Eve掉髮治療方法,n if you’re sure that the asker will pay you back, it’s hard to know if you should proceed.

To help guide you toward making the right decision, we asked financial experts to share five key things to consider before cracking open your wallet.

Rule 1: Only Say Yes if You Mean It

If you feel guilt-tripped into making the loan by the asker (“I’m desperate!”) or you question your own hesitation (“I must be a bad person or I wouldn’t feel conflicted”), then turn her down, says Levine.

If you do cough up the cash when you aren’t sure you want to, you risk feeling resentful, and that can cripple the relationship before it’s even time for her to repay you. Not going through with the loan doesn’t make you selfish or a bad friend; the response may actually protect your bond, she adds.

Levine suggests graciously declining with a sentime百家樂,nt like, “I’d really like to help, but I don’t have the extra money to loan right now.” If you feel like you need to explain further, mention an unexpected expense you were recently hit with, such as higher health insurance premiums, or something you have to save for, like your kids’ college education.

Offering to help brainstorm other sources for the loan or ways to bring down her debt (if that’s the situation) can be a thoughtful next move. A true friend or relative will be willing to accept no and then thank you for any additional help. If she doesn’t, better that your relationship sours before you’ve forked over any funds.

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